
Storing Backup Online

  • 28 May 2016
  • 39 reacties
  • 1028 keer bekeken

Toon eerste bericht

39 reacties

Reputatie 7
Badge +11

Als ik naar de loggingen kijk vermoed ik toch dat de slechte werking te maken heeft gehad met de performance issues die op dat moment speelden. Bijvoorbeeld de meldingen over "Connection to management node ( failed, switching to next node. Error: Couldn't resolve host name" geeft aan dat er geen verbinding gemaakt kon worden met een node (back-up server). Dit zie ik regelmatig terug komen evenals "Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found".

Hoe is het de afgelopen dagen gegaan?
Reputatie 4
Badge +1
Hallo Tim,

Vreemd die onderbrekingen. Zouden er Apple processen actief zijn 's nachts die dit proces verstoren?

De laatste dagen gaat het prima. Aan de grafiek van iStat te zien is er de hele nacht door een constante verbinding. Waarom er dan toch foutmeldingen komen snap ik niet.

Bijgaand het BackupFP logje en schermafbeeldingen van BUO programma en iStat.

Groet & Goed weekend.



Reputatie 7
Badge +11
Hi Maarten, daar lijkt het misschien dan wel op. De melding komt om het half uur terug en dat is te regelmatig voor een incidenteel probleem. xx.11 en xx.41 uur. Heb je in de energie / stroom beheer instellingen van de desktop een automatische slaapstand ingesteld? Om eens met een idee te komen..
Reputatie 4
Badge +1
Alleen beeldscherm komt in sluimerstand computer zelf niet.


Logje van afgelopen nacht geeft weer zelfde beeld als eerder.

Heeft iemand enig idee van de zich elke nacht om het haklf uur herhalende foutmelding? 


 [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found

Grt, Maarten

Reputatie 7
Badge +11
Hoi Maarten, is het u al opgevallen of de melding ook overdag verschijnt of echt alleen in de nacht?
Reputatie 4
Badge +1
https:///t5/user/viewprofilepage/user-id/227 schreef op https:///t5/Cloud-technische-vragen/Storing-Backup-Online/m-p/8176#M1594Hoi Maarten, is het u al opgevallen of de melding ook overdag verschijnt of echt alleen in de nacht?


Dat weet ik niet en kan ik ook niet controleren. Overdag staat BUO niet aan i.v.m. de beperking van de koperverbinding. Als BUO overdag werkt is de download te laag en kan er niet normaal gewerkt worden. Daarom moet de 1e keer BUO kompleet maken na de nieuwe installatie, 's nachs gebeuren. Overdag wordt hij handmatig uitgezet.


Reputatie 4
Badge +1
  • ,
  • ,

    De 1e selectie is nu klaar. Bijgaand logje. Vanavond kan ik pas reageren, ben de hele dag weg.



    1. LOG BUO na voltooien volledige selctie
    2. [2016-06-10 00:00:00.239238] [l] [0x101c0fb20] Logging continued from "BackupFP_2016_06_09.log": BackupFP, version (#ebebf39f06-2008), at '' as 'XXXXXXXXXz'
    3. [2016-06-10 00:00:00.239238] [l] [0x101c0fb20] Scheduling fired for data source 1. Task is backup.
    4. [2016-06-10 00:00:00.579584] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Index consistency check] Start...
    5. [2016-06-10 00:00:00.836396] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Index consistency check] All indexes in table "c" are consistent
    6. [2016-06-10 00:00:00.836430] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Index consistency check] Finish.
    7. [2016-06-10 00:00:00.836449] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] Looking for missing cabinets...
    8. [2016-06-10 00:00:29.851789] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] No missing remotely cabinets found.
    9. [2016-06-10 00:00:29.851816] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] No missing cabinets found.
    10. [2016-06-10 00:00:29.851829] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] No mis-sized cabinets found.
    11. [2016-06-10 00:00:29.851841] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] No misplaced cabinets found.
    12. [2016-06-10 00:00:29.851857] [e] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] 2 mis-sized somewhere cabinets found.
    13. [2016-06-10 00:00:29.931262] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] No previously lost cabinets found.
    14. [2016-06-10 00:00:29.931292] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] Looking for sessions with incorrect synchronization status...
    15. [2016-06-10 00:00:29.931313] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] No non-synchronized cabinets found.
    16. [2016-06-10 00:00:29.931670] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] Sessions with incorrect synchronization status found. Repairing...
    17. [2016-06-10 00:00:29.931693] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] Session #62 is not marked synchronized while should be.
    18. [2016-06-10 00:00:29.932931] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] 1 session(s) with incorrect synchronization status found.
    19. [2016-06-10 00:00:29.933918] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] Sessions repair finished.
    20. [2016-06-10 00:00:31.918552] [l] [0x101c0fb20] Scheduling fired for data source 1. Task is backup.
    21. [2016-06-10 00:00:32.078442] [l] [0x101c0fb20] Backup started for data source FsBackupPlugin.
    22. [2016-06-10 00:00:32.326961] [l] [0x101c0fb20] Scanning started for data source 1. Task is backup.
    23. [2016-06-10 00:17:16.073510] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    24. [2016-06-10 00:47:17.061087] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    25. [2016-06-10 01:17:18.047635] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    26. [2016-06-10 01:47:19.021398] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    27. [2016-06-10 02:17:20.171286] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    28. [2016-06-10 02:47:21.298297] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    29. [2016-06-10 03:17:22.188650] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    30. [2016-06-10 03:47:23.090348] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    31. [2016-06-10 04:17:24.069736] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    32. [2016-06-10 04:47:25.156786] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    33. [2016-06-10 05:17:26.158702] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    34. [2016-06-10 05:47:27.087972] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    35. [2016-06-10 06:03:35.260417] [l] [0x101c0fb20] Backup register committed.
    36. [2016-06-10 06:03:35.261534] [l] [0x101c0fb20] Backup finished for data source FsBackupPlugin with session status Completed. Selected size: 166G; Selected count: 160694; Processed size: 5.28G; Processed count: 1937; Sent size: 2.16G; Errors count: 0; Removed files count: 3.
    37. [2016-06-10 06:03:38.260028] [l] [0x101c0fb20] Session table committed.
    38. [2016-06-10 06:17:28.167652] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    39. [2016-06-10 06:33:46.215386] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Cleaning] Obsolete nodes detection started for data source FsBackupPlugin; retention time = 1461850124.
    40. [2016-06-10 06:33:50.751017] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Cleaning] 0 obsolete node(s) cleaned.
    41. [2016-06-10 06:33:52.491343] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Cleaning] Cleaning verification started.
    42. [2016-06-10 06:34:01.612764] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Cleaning] Cleaning verified OK.
    43. [2016-06-10 06:34:01.612808] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Cleaning] Cleaning verification finished.
    44. [2016-06-10 06:34:01.621399] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Cleaning] Unused cabinets detection started.
    45. [2016-06-10 06:34:04.141472] [w] [0x101c0fb20] Info file cleaned.txt is absent.
    46. [2016-06-10 06:34:48.559402] [w] [0x101c0fb20] Info file cleaned.txt is absent.
    47. [2016-06-10 06:35:06.975079] [w] [0x101c0fb20] Info file cleaned.txt is absent.
    48. [2016-06-10 06:35:36.781698] [w] [0x101c0fb20] Info file cleaned.txt is absent.
    49. [2016-06-10 06:36:40.218145] [w] [0x101c0fb20] Info file cleaned.txt is absent.
    50. [2016-06-10 06:38:02.203517] [w] [0x101c0fb20] Info file cleaned.txt is absent.
    51. [2016-06-10 06:38:41.810291] [w] [0x101c0fb20] Info file cleaned.txt is absent.
    52. [2016-06-10 06:39:35.913758] [w] [0x101c0fb20] Info file cleaned.txt is absent.
    53. [2016-06-10 06:39:36.495693] [w] [0x101c0fb20] Info file cleaned.txt is absent.
    54. [2016-06-10 06:40:59.378480] [w] [0x101c0fb20] Info file cleaned.txt is absent.
    55. [2016-06-10 06:42:13.251742] [w] [0x101c0fb20] Info file cleaned.txt is absent.
    56. [2016-06-10 06:42:26.576785] [w] [0x101c0fb20] Info file cleaned.txt is absent.
    57. [2016-06-10 06:42:43.404728] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Cleaning] 1831 unused cabinets cleaned.
    58. [2016-06-10 06:42:43.913774] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] Looking for not found cabinets...
    59. [2016-06-10 06:42:49.713166] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] No not found cabinets found.
    60. [2016-06-10 06:42:49.978557] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] Looking for orphaned and missing slices...
    61. [2016-06-10 06:46:12.390778] [l] [0x101c0fb20] [Consistency check] Missing slices found. Repairing...
    62. [2016-06-10 06:47:29.180861] [w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
  • Reputatie 7
    Badge +11
    Hoi Maarten, dat zier er op zich keurig uit! Ik ga nog proberen meer details te krijgen over de melding "[w] [0x101cb8aa0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found".

    Let op: het forum wordt vernieuwd! Vanaf donderdag 16 juni is het forum weer toegankelijk om berichten te posten en kom ik hierop terug.
    Reputatie 4
    Badge +1
    @Tim, @BerendDemeijer, Na lange tijd is de eerste volledige BU eindelijk afgerond, met dank aan de postduiven van KPN-OudKoper 🙂.
    Het logje laat mij niets bijzonders zien maar wellicht dat ervaren expert daar meer in ziet dan ik. Bijgaand het logje, met dank aan Tim en Berend voor de nuttige tips en aanwijzingen onderweg.
    BUO staat nu op 24.00 uur starten ingesteld. met alleen wijzigingen door dagelijks werk moet BUO nu bij kunnen blijven. Glasvezels schijnt nu wel in aantocht te zijn via, KPN doet daar niet aan mee heb ik begrepen. Dat is jammer want de voordelen van combinatie abonnementen vallen dan weg.
    Groet wmuller

    [2016-07-01 00:00:00.099453] [l] [0x101c02f90] Logging continued from "BackupFP_2016_06_30.log": BackupFP, version (#ebebf39f06-2008), at '' as 'XXXXXXXXX'
    [2016-07-01 00:00:00.099453] [l] [0x101c02f90] Scheduling fired for data source 1. Task is backup.
    [2016-07-01 00:00:00.802066] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Index consistency check] Start...
    [2016-07-01 00:00:01.234939] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Index consistency check] All indexes in table "c" are consistent
    [2016-07-01 00:00:01.234979] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Index consistency check] Finish.
    [2016-07-01 00:00:01.234998] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Consistency check] Looking for missing cabinets...
    [2016-07-01 00:00:54.625119] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Consistency check] No missing remotely cabinets found.
    [2016-07-01 00:00:54.625143] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Consistency check] No missing cabinets found.
    [2016-07-01 00:00:54.625156] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Consistency check] No mis-sized cabinets found.
    [2016-07-01 00:00:54.625167] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Consistency check] No misplaced cabinets found.
    [2016-07-01 00:00:54.625190] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Consistency check] No previously lost cabinets found.
    [2016-07-01 00:00:54.625202] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Consistency check] Looking for sessions with incorrect synchronization status...
    [2016-07-01 00:00:54.625214] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Consistency check] No non-synchronized cabinets found.
    [2016-07-01 00:00:54.625491] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Consistency check] Sessions with incorrect synchronization status found. Repairing...
    [2016-07-01 00:00:54.625506] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Consistency check] Session #86 is not marked synchronized while should be.
    [2016-07-01 00:00:54.699025] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Consistency check] 1 session(s) with incorrect synchronization status found.
    [2016-07-01 00:00:54.753960] [l] [0x101c02f90] [Consistency check] Sessions repair finished.
    [2016-07-01 00:01:10.922929] [l] [0x101c02f90] Scheduling fired for data source 1. Task is backup.
    [2016-07-01 00:01:11.219633] [l] [0x101c02f90] Backup started for data source FsBackupPlugin.
    [2016-07-01 00:01:11.271012] [l] [0x101c02f90] Scanning started for data source 1. Task is backup.
    [2016-07-01 00:04:15.283311] [w] [0x101c02f90] [ZipContentSlicer] "160630 MAIL" contains data descriptors that are not supported yet. Defaulting to fixed slicing.
    [2016-07-01 00:11:18.107170] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 00:41:19.051563] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 01:11:20.119043] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 01:41:21.071754] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 02:11:22.226222] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 02:41:23.124342] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 03:11:24.213751] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 03:41:25.046008] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 04:11:26.139964] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 04:41:27.141136] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 05:11:28.059540] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 05:41:29.148786] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 06:11:30.197696] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 06:41:31.069409] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 07:11:32.040515] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 07:41:33.017456] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 08:11:34.048324] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 08:41:35.153863] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 09:11:36.018061] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 09:41:37.011479] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 10:11:38.183875] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 10:41:39.226507] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 11:11:40.180587] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 11:41:41.151302] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 12:11:42.115284] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 12:41:43.029339] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 13:11:44.174527] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 13:41:46.697562] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 14:11:46.268333] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 14:41:47.021527] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 15:11:48.061654] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 15:41:49.012508] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 16:11:50.157496] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 16:41:51.056963] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 17:11:52.152804] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 17:41:53.021821] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    [2016-07-01 18:03:09.463447] [l] [0x101c02f90] Backup register committed.
    [2016-07-01 18:03:09.464541] [l] [0x101c02f90] Backup finished for data source FsBackupPlugin with session status Completed. Selected size: 238G; Selected count: 191327; Processed size: 9.46G; Processed count: 16079; Sent size: 6.52G; Errors count: 0; Removed files count: 471.
    [2016-07-01 18:03:13.743640] [l] [0x101c02f90] Session table committed.
    [2016-07-01 18:11:54.234701] [w] [0x1059531a0] Failed to update remote connection gateway endpoint : Unable to pick available address: no addresses found
    Reputatie 4
    Badge +1
    Hi Maarten, fijn dat de back-up nu volledig is afgerond en hij in de toekomst de toekomstige back-ups kan gaan bijwerken. Berend, onwijs bedankt voor uw input! Tim was blij om te horen dat u hem bedankt voor de nuttige tips onderweg. Wat betreft het log, daar kijken wij nog even naar en zullen we een terugkoppeling op geven. U in ieder geval een hele fijne dag toe gewenst en tot snel!
    Reputatie 7
    Hoi Tim, Maarten en Carah,

    At your service! ... as always! 🆒

    [2016-07-01 18:03:09.464541] [l] [0x101c02f90] Backup finished for data source FsBackupPlugin with session status Completed. Selected size: 238G; Selected count: 191327; Processed size: 9.46G; Processed count: 16079; Sent size: 6.52G; Errors count: 0; Removed files count: 471.

    Dat zier er heel goed uit Maarten, vooral dat de "Errors Count" = 0!

    @Tim, is er al zicht op een lijst met [ W ] / [ E ] foutcodes en de uitleg ervan? IASO zal hier vast een white-paper over hebben gemaakt, toch?

    Reputatie 4
    Badge +1
    Tim salutes you!

    Wat betreft de foutcodes, het is ons niet gelukt om de lijst te verkijgen van IASO.

    Tot snel!
    Reputatie 7
    Hallo Carah en Tim,

    I salute you too! LOL!!!!!

    Mbt het opvragen van de foutcodes van BUO bij IASO? I'll send for the Marines!!! ;)

    Gewoon mee stoppen, is onbetrouwbaar product.
